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Skilled Worker Immigration Service

Full Time Work

30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours).

Part time

15 hours/week for 24 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours). 


30 hours/week for 12 months at more than one job = 1 year full time (1,560 hours) You must show that you did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed.

If you cannot show that your work experience meets the description in the NOC, you are not eligible under this program.


You must have:

Proof of funds

You must show that you have enough money to support yourself and/or your family after you arrive in Canada, unless you:



Work Experience

Your work experience must be:

Language ability

You Must

Six selection factors

If you meet all the conditions set out in the minimum requirements, the immigration officer will assess your application based on the selection factors in the federal skilled worker points grid.

The selection factors are:

Other requirements

Skilled Worker Immigration Service

Minimum requirements

To be eligible, applicant must:

These major NOC groups are subdivided into different occupations. (All are NOC skill type B.) Applicant must show that he/she did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed. If he/she does not show that his/her experience meets the description in the NOC, Canada will not accept the application. Federal Skilled Trades Program applications must be made based on the 2011 version of the NOC. However, if the application includes a Labor Market Impact Assessment from Employment and Social Development Canada based on the 2006 version of the NOC, it will be accepted by Canada as long as the applicant’s occupation corresponds to a 2011 NOC code that is eligible for the program.

Language ability

Applicant must:

Applicant must show that he/she meets the requirements in English by including the test results when he/she completes the Express Entry profile. The test results must not be more than two years old on the day he/she applies for permanent residence.



The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for people who want to become permanent residents based on being qualified in a skilled trade.

Skilled work experience

Skilled Trades currently eligible for the Federal Skilled Trades Program are organized under these major and minor groups of the NOC:


There is no education requirement for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. But, if applicant wants to earn points for his/her education under Express Entry, he/she either needs:

Principal applicant

If applicant is married to a person who also meets the above conditions, he/she can decide which one of the two will apply as the principal applicant.

Other requirements

Applicant will likely have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. He/She may also need an employer in Canada to give experience and training.

Applicant should ask the counselor about the body that governs trades for the province/territory where he/she would like to live and work. The process is different depending on where the applicant wants to go. Each province has different details about whether the applicant needs a certificate of qualification to work in that province or territory in a specific skilled trade:

Skilled Worker Immigration Service

Full Time

30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours).

Part time

15 hours/week for 24 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours).


30 hours/week for 12 months at more than one job = 1 year full time (1,560 hours) Applicant must show that he/she did the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational description in the NOC, including all the essential duties and most of the main duties listed. If applicant’s existing work permit is about to expire he/she may be eligible for a bridging open work permit. Bridging open work permits allow qualified applicants to keep working while they await a final decision on their permanent residence application.


There is no education requirement for Canadian Experience Class. But, if the applicant wants to earn points for his/her education under Express Entry, he/she either needs:

Principal applicant

If applicant is married or lives with a common-law foreign national partner in Canada, and that person also meets the above conditions, he/she can decide which one of them will apply under Express Entry as the principal applicant. A common-law partner is a person who has lived with the applicant in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. Common-law partner refers to both opposite-sex and same-sex couples.


The CEC is a permanent resident category for individuals with skilled work experience in Canada. It was developed for temporary foreign workers and foreign graduates with qualifying Canadian work experience.

Skilled work experience

To be considered for the Canadian Experience Class, the applicant needs to have Canadian skilled work experience within three years of applying. According to the Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC), skilled work experience means:

Applicant’s experience must be at least 12 months of full-time (30 hours of paid work per week or more) or an equal amount in part-time hours.

Eligibility Minimum requirements

Applicant must:

Self-employment and work experience gained while the applicant was a full-time student (for example, on a co-op work term) does not count under this program.

Language ability

Applicant must:

The applicant must show that he/she meets the requirements in English by including the test results when he/she completes the Express Entry profile. The test results must not be more than two years old on the day he/she applies for permanent residence or he/she will need to retake the tests.

Other requirements

Skilled Worker Immigration Service

Programs :